People who use screen readers, do you prefer hashtags to all be at the end of a post, or do you prefer hashtags to be mixed in with the main text?
(This is a poll for sight impaired people only, please do not vote if you are sighted. I only included the third option because so many people vote without reading posts properly, and I didn't want sighted people skewing the results.)
@FediTips I’m interested in the results!
@FediTips I wish this poll had one more option for either way works for me.
Ah, that's a good point. I can't edit the poll without resetting it to zero, so will just leave it. Apologies!
I guess you could vote with the option you prefer even marginally?
@FediTips That's what we ended up doing.
@bitsacb @FediTips Because links are notoriously long sometimes and we don't need to use shorteners here, having the URL entirely read out can squash any text beyond a link. Basically I assume that once you dump a link unless it's known to be more than one, I assume there is no more text and don't want to go through the effort of waiting for the URL to finish rattling off to find it. For simple domain references, E.G. see for whatever, this doesn't apply, it's when you have paths and fragments and query strings and the like.
@FediTips I want to vote for the third option, not because I didn't read the instructions, but because I'm interested in the results and want to be notified when the poll ends.
@bosquebill @FediTips yo también
@bosquebill @FediTips There seems to be an option now that let's you see the results without voting?
There is that but these people want to be notified when the poll ends so that they can see the results, and the only way to get that notification is to vote.
@bosquebill @FediTips Same, and let me add, adding this type of “show me results” option (ideally WITHOUT a snide remark about people not reading the toot) is the right thing to do, as otherwise the results are only available to you and the tiny subset of people who are “allowed” to vote.
@bosquebill @FediTips I’ve just learned that in my app, it’s possible to view poll results by tapping the “# votes” counter below the poll options!
@b_cavello @bosquebill @FediTips Mastodon web has a see results link, so now I know that 89% of respondents (who also aren't screen reader users, incidentally) also don't read instructions at the bottom of a post and I'm not sure what to make of that in terms of the overall idea of the poll
@g1comics @b_cavello @bosquebill @FediTips
my client, @Tusky , doesn't offer that feature; so I had to pick the third option.
Ooh, I've heard that before. Handy. [checks]. Alas, mine (Fedilab) does not.
@b_cavello @bosquebill @FediTips
yes but „ number of votes“ doesn’t tell me what they chose (at least not in my app)
And I can‘t help but think that even if there was only a minority preferring one option, it would still be valid. Different processing of information (e.g. across neurotypes) may need differently structured input.
I guess the best way would be apps offering different options for handling hashtags that could be set individually.
@kommaKucken @bosquebill @FediTips Yes, that’s what I’m saying. The number of votes text in mine acts as a button that reveals the scores.
@b_cavello @bosquebill @FediTips
ah okay, I didn’t get that, because in mine, it doesn’t. Good to know it’s possible, though, maybe other app developers could implement it over time, too.
@bosquebill @FediTips At least in the browser version, there is also a "See results" link that could be used instead of voting for the third option. Might be missing in the app, not sure. But 88% currently voted for the third option. That's a lot considering it was never meant to be used :D
@FediTips Thank you for asking. I mix placement and would gladly switch to something more consistent if it’s better for ALT text readers!
I'll be interested in the result; I moved hashtags to the end after a couple of requests, but it also reduces available text as some key terms are repeated as hashtags at bottom of the post - not a major issue, but when you're trying to squeeze in text, can make the summary even more summary, as art were
I tend to ramble so I can put my hashtags at the end on those rare occasions that I haven't hit the character limit. But I'll try harder now!
Just taking part so I see what those who rely on screen readers prefer.
GER Translation: Ihr, die ihr Screenreader nutzt: bevorzugt ihr es, wenn (alle) Hashtags erst ganz am Ende des Beitrags stehen, oder wenn sie innerhalb des Beitragstextes eingebettet sind?
(Dies ist eine Abstimmung exklusiv für sehbeeinträchtigte Menschen. Bitte gib' also keine Stimme ab, wenn Du sehend bist. Die dritte Option "Ich nutze keinen Screenreader" habe ich nur deshalb eingefügt, weil viele Menschen abstimmen, ohne den Text der Umfrage wirklich durchgelesen und verstanden zu haben. Ich möchte nicht, dass sehende Menschen das Resultat verfälschen.)
Abstimm-Option1: "Ich nutze (einen) Sceenreader und bevorzuge es, wenn Hashtags erst am Ende des Beitrags genannt werden."
Abstimm-Option2: "Ich nutze (einen) Screenreader und bevorzuge es, wenn Hashtags im Text platziert werden."
Abstimm-Option3: "I nutze keinen Screenreader."
Edit: Typos
@FediTips if you could reply to this poll after it closes so we can see the results that would be great!
I've bookmarked your reply and will do a post about results when it closes.
@FediTips @etosaurus That would be awesome, thank you! I am sighted, but interested in how posts need to be to be opzimal for folks using screen readers!
@Ayako @FediTips @etosaurus one way is to post a second poll as a reply, worded specifically as a reminder service. Like a poster with tear-off strips maybe?
I did a post about the results:
@FediTips Definitely all at the end. I find it incredibly disruptive to be repeatedly interrupted by "hashtag" throughout a post
@FediTips I am curious about the results of this poll. Thanks for posting this!
@FediTips what about those who use Braille lines instead of screenreaders?
This is a really interesting point, I'll have to try to find more information about this.
people use a combination of screenreader + braille line, a screenreader feeds info to a braille line
the poll should really be for all people that use the combination of screenreaders + TTS (text to speech),
that includes visually impaired people and people who struggle with visual processing (neurodivergent, brain injury ...)
@illiannaheger @FediTips ok, I was imprecise in wording, I did mean versus screenreader+TTS as I thought the poll implied that. Thanks for the info!
@FediTips I think they would really prefer the use of initial caps on each word in the hashtag, so screen readers can actually read them. Wherever they appear
This is what I try to do though it requires work since #Mastodon defaults to all lowercase.
@oligneisti @FediTips Thank you for the effort. I try to do it too, even though as you say all the SM platforms want to force less accessible lower case
What if the word that is a hashtag is a critical part of the body text of the post itself?
What then?
Repeat the same word twice, once as plain text in the text body and once again as a #Hashtag after all the body text?
How much extra thought and work do people have to go through to keep you #Mastodon #HallMonitors happy?
cc @FediTips
@FinchHaven @IAmDannyBoling @Tejas @FediTips You weren't actually asking a question there and I'm pretty sure we all know that.
Here's three questions at least in my first post at least:
"What if the word that is a hashtag is a critical part of the body text of the post itself?
What then?
Repeat the same word twice, once as plain text in the text body and once again as a #Hashtag after all the body text?"
No one remembers your first three questions because you were so damn rude with your fourth.
@FinchHaven @Tejas @FediTips wait shouldn't a glitchsoc instance like infosec have a high enough char limit for adding hashtags to the end of a mastodon post to not be a problem? not sure what the thing about masto hallmonitors is though; the aversion to inline hashtags is also a thing on non-masto fedi from what i can tell.
#hashtag #mastodon #hallmonitors
Wasn't going to even bring that up
I've got 11,000 characters to work with here
Others are not so fortunate, which is my actual point
@FediTips Might I suggest a fourth option? As a screen reader user, if the hash tag makes sense as part of the text, then I prefer it as part of the sentence. If it does not make sense as part of the text, then I prefer it at the end.
Sorry. My reading comprehension failed. I'm apparently not alone.
@FediTips may need another option "no strong preference, but it depends" (on the number of hashtags we're talking about)
@patrick_h_lauke @FediTips I voted as a screen-reader user, but I tend to write mixed in, not all at the end. Bothers some, but I just include them as if it were a sentence. Started doing that when I began posting to instagram. Most people there slap them all at the end but I didn't want to.
Yeah, I definitely should have added that. Unfortunately there's no way to edit polls without resetting them to zero, so will have to leave it this time. Apologies!