is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Single-user Mastodon instance for the Grow Your Own Services site

Server stats:

active users

/ picks of the day:

➡️ @didoesdigital - Data viz engineer & author in Australia

➡️ @yotka - Data viz designer, background in social sciences

➡️ @kpfssport - Sports-related data viz

➡️ @janeadams - Data viz researcher interested in XAI & genomics

➡️ @wnd - Data Viz coder, works on railway IT

➡️ @Biff_Bruise - Principal Consultant in data viz, keen cyclist, former rocket scientist



/ picks of the day (continued):

➡️ @oldmapgallery - Website, podcast, online gallery about old maps, data viz

➡️ @stevensanderson - Data scientist interested in data viz & RStats

➡️ @GIS_Bandit - Product manager at Esri

➡️ @cartodata - Geopolitician & cartographer
