Here on the Fediverse, your account's reach depends on your followers rather than your server's size.
Even if you're on a tiny server, if you have followers from lots of other servers your posts will reach lots of people.
Here is why: If just *one* person from another server follows you, your posts and account will start showing up on that server and be searchable by *everyone* on that server.
For tips on making your account more visible, see this guide:
>"Even if you're on a tiny server, if you have followers from lots of other servers your posts will reach lots of people."
Your followers get your posts on the Fediverse; something Facebook doesn't even do.
Yeah, this often gets overlooked when discussing commercial centralised platforms: Facebook etc actively hide posts from accounts you are actually following while simultaneously showing you stuff you never followed.
The Fediverse doesn't do that, it only shows (or hides) stuff you ask it to.
@FediTips too late. Couldn't get any traction here. Went to Bluesky. Sorry. It's not you, it's me.
@FediTips hacer su cuenta mas pero no, nu se, no me termina de sonar bien... ni mal... pero la visibilidad a veces.... a mas se busca ..... menos se se-
You don't have to make it more visible, of course!
Some people prefer to have a quiet account and that's totally fine.
@FediTips sep, que ste la opcion tampoco lo veo mal, algunas cuentas les va bien, pero receloso estoy si. No me termina de gustar para un ususario comun.
En fin.
I was mainly trying to respond to someone who thought they needed to be on a big server to reach people. I think a lot of people don't realise that their account's connections come from their followers and not their server.
But yeah, I don't want to encourage "clout chasing" either!
As an example, this thread started on a server with 1 user, but has an outsize reach because they are so useful that so many people follow them.
@FediTips that's absolutely right. I run my own server, and am a single user on my own private server. My posts are seen on timelines of many different servers due to people on those other servers that follow me or even if they don't follow me, I browse other instances timelines and interact with posts by coming back to my server and pulling that information over so that I can reply/star/boost.
I find I get more genuine interaction on the #fediverse than I do on larger platforms.
@FediTips that's very cool, thanks for explaining it!