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🇩🇪 has its own Mastodon server for its federal and state government accounts.

We know these are official as their server is on the German domain.

(Most are in German)

➡️ @Bundesregierung - The German Government

➡️ @hib_Nachrichten - Today in the Bundestag

➡️ @bmi - Federal Ministry of the Interior

➡️ @AuswaertigesAmt - Federal Foreign Office

➡️ @GermanyUN - Germany in the United Nations

➡️ @GERonCyber - Federal Foreign Office Cyber Ambassador

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🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @bmf - Federal Ministry of Finance

➡️ @BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs & Climate Protection

➡️ @bmz - Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation & Development

➡️ @BGH_Bund - Federal Court of Justice

➡️ @BVerwG_de - Federal Administrative Court

➡️ @bundesfinanzhof - Federal Fiscal Court

➡️ @bundesarbeitsgericht - Federal Labour Court

➡️ @bmbf_bund - Federal Ministry of Education & Research


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @bibb - Federal Institute for Vocational Education & Training

➡️ @bpb - Federal Agency for Political Education

➡️ @Umweltbundesamt - Federal Environment Agency

➡️ @RKI - Robert Koch Institute for Public Health

➡️ @bzga - Federal Agency for Health Education

➡️ @BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority

➡️ - KfW Bankengruppe

➡️ @antidiskriminierung - Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @bfdi - Federal Commissioner for Data Protection

➡️ @dsk - The Data Protection Conference

➡️ @DS_Stiftung - Foundation for Data Protection

➡️ @bsi - Federal Office for Information Security

➡️ @certbund - Federal Computer Security Incident Response Team of Germany

➡️ @Ostbeauftragter - Federal Commissioner for East Germany

➡️ @Zoll - Federal Customs Service

➡️ @BVL_Bund - Federal Office for Consumer Protection & Food Safety


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @RNE_DE - German Council for Sustainable Development

➡️ @wbgu - German Advisory Council on Global Change

➡️ @umweltrat - Committee of Experts on Environmental Affairs

➡️ @ZIF - Centre for International Peace Operations

➡️ @BNetzA & @Netzausbau - Federal Network Agency

➡️ @thw - Federal Agency for Technical Relief

➡️ @DIMR_Berlin - German Institute for Human Rights


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @evzfoundation - EVZ Foundation for Survivors of the Nazis, Human Rights & History

➡️ @die_rente - German Pension Insurance

➡️ @DLR & @dlr_next - German Aerospace Centre

➡️ @base - Federal Office for Nuclear Safety

➡️ @GRS - Organisation for Power Plant & Reactor Safety

➡️ @strahlenschutz - Federal Office for Radiation Protection

➡️ @BKG - Federal Office for Cartography & Geodesy



🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @DeutscherWetterdienst - Germany's National Meteorological Service

➡️ @bamf - Federal Office for Migration & Refugees

➡️ @SVR_Migration - Expert Council for Integration & Migration

➡️ @deutschesHeer - The German Army

➡️ @unibwm - Bundeswehr University Munich

➡️ @Bundesverband - Federation of German Consumer Organisations

➡️ @BMWSB_Bund - Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development & Building


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @Bundessozialgericht - Federal Social Court

➡️ @bmdv - Federal Ministry for Digital & Transport

➡️ @BAnst_PT - Federal Post & Telecommunications Agency

➡️ @dai_weltweit - German Archaeological Institute

@TABundestag - Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB)

➡️ @itzbund - IT provider for the Federal Government

➡️ @FraunhoferFOKUS - Researching digital networking


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @BAMResearch - Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing

➡️ @nkcs - National Co-ordination Centre for Cybersecurity

➡️ @Cyberagentur - Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity

➡️ @opendatabund - Advising federal authorities on open data

➡️ @gdws_wsv_presse - Directorate General for Waterways & Navigation

➡️ @IPN_Kiel - Leibniz Institute for Science & Maths Education

➡️ @bfr - Federal Institute for Risk Management


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @MDC_Berlin - Max Delbrück Centre for Biomedical Research

➡️ @PEI_Germany - Paul Ehrlich Institute, Federal Institute of Vaccines & Biomedicines

➡️ @dzne - German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases

➡️ @HelmholtzMunich - German Research Centre for Environmental Health

➡️ @loeffler_news - Friedrich Loeffler Institute for Animal Health

➡️ @BWBStiftung - Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @GIGA_Institute - German Institute for Global & Area Studies

➡️ @DZA - German Centre for Old Age Affairs

➡️ @dsee - German Foundation for Commitment & Volunteering

➡️ @BKHS_Stiftung - BK-Helmut-Schmidt Foundation

➡️ @CivicCoding - AI for the Common Good

➡️ @wissenschaftsjahr - Science Year

➡️ @Bf3R_centre - German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals

➡️ @FNA - German Pension Insurance Research Network


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @germanyinuk - German Embassy in London

➡️ @AlmanyaBE - German Embassy in Ankara

➡️ @BayerischerLandtag - Bavarian State Parliament

➡️ @BayLfD - Bavarian Data Protection Commissioner

➡️ @BlnBDI - Berlin Data Protection Commissioner

➡️ @HBBuergerschaft - Bremen Parliament

➡️ @BuergerschaftHH - Hamburg Parliament

➡️ @HessischerLandtag - Hesse State Parliament

➡️ @ltrlp - Rhineland-Palatinate State Parliament


🇩🇪 Official German Government Accounts (continued)

➡️ @sdb - Saxony Data Protection Officer

➡️ @thueringerlandtag - Thuringia State Parliament


@FediFollows @GIGA_Institute @DZA @dsee @BKHS_Stiftung @CivicCoding @dzne @wissenschaftsjahr @Bf3R_centre @FNA I'm so jealous that French institutions are not on fedi that I'm going to follow German institutions. Hallo Freunde!

@Scorbet @FediFollows I doubt anyone will struggle with the translation, but FYI, the English name for Hessen is Hesse :P

@FediFollows @sdb @thueringerlandtag If you are including public research institutions such as the Helmholtz Center Munich, I'd like to briefly advertise the Alfred Wegener Institute as well @awi :)

@FediFollows @sdb @thueringerlandtag looked through the list twice and didn't find @bmbf_bund (education and science)


Just checked again, it's on the bottom of page 2:'s a pretty long list, took me a few goes to find it! (I had marked it down as added though so knew it was somewhere 😁 )