#Germany has its own Mastodon server for its federal and state government accounts.
We know these are official as their server is on the German bund.de domain.
(Most are in German)
@Bundesregierung - The German Government
@hib_Nachrichten - Today in the Bundestag
@bmi - Federal Ministry of the Interior
@AuswaertigesAmt - Federal Foreign Office
@GermanyUN - Germany in the United Nations
@GERonCyber - Federal Foreign Office Cyber Ambassador
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@bmf - Federal Ministry of Finance
@BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs & Climate Protection
@bmz - Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation & Development
@BGH_Bund - Federal Court of Justice
@BVerwG_de - Federal Administrative Court
@bundesfinanzhof - Federal Fiscal Court
@bundesarbeitsgericht - Federal Labour Court
@bmbf_bund - Federal Ministry of Education & Research
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@bibb - Federal Institute for Vocational Education & Training
@bpb - Federal Agency for Political Education
@Umweltbundesamt - Federal Environment Agency
@RKI - Robert Koch Institute for Public Health
@bzga - Federal Agency for Health Education
@BaFin - Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
@KfW@social.bund.de - KfW Bankengruppe
@antidiskriminierung - Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@bfdi - Federal Commissioner for Data Protection
@dsk - The Data Protection Conference
@DS_Stiftung - Foundation for Data Protection
@bsi - Federal Office for Information Security
@certbund - Federal Computer Security Incident Response Team of Germany
@Ostbeauftragter - Federal Commissioner for East Germany
@Zoll - Federal Customs Service
@BVL_Bund - Federal Office for Consumer Protection & Food Safety
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@RNE_DE - German Council for Sustainable Development
@wbgu - German Advisory Council on Global Change
@umweltrat - Committee of Experts on Environmental Affairs
@ZIF - Centre for International Peace Operations
@BNetzA & @Netzausbau - Federal Network Agency
@thw - Federal Agency for Technical Relief
@DIMR_Berlin - German Institute for Human Rights
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@evzfoundation - EVZ Foundation for Survivors of the Nazis, Human Rights & History
@die_rente - German Pension Insurance
@DLR & @dlr_next - German Aerospace Centre
@base - Federal Office for Nuclear Safety
@GRS - Organisation for Power Plant & Reactor Safety
@strahlenschutz - Federal Office for Radiation Protection
@BKG - Federal Office for Cartography & Geodesy
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@DeutscherWetterdienst - Germany's National Meteorological Service
@bamf - Federal Office for Migration & Refugees
@SVR_Migration - Expert Council for Integration & Migration
@deutschesHeer - The German Army
@unibwm - Bundeswehr University Munich
@Bundesverband - Federation of German Consumer Organisations
@BMWSB_Bund - Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development & Building
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@Bundessozialgericht - Federal Social Court
@bmdv - Federal Ministry for Digital & Transport
@BAnst_PT - Federal Post & Telecommunications Agency
@dai_weltweit - German Archaeological Institute
@TABundestag - Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag (TAB)
@itzbund - IT provider for the Federal Government
@FraunhoferFOKUS - Researching digital networking
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@BAMResearch - Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing
@nkcs - National Co-ordination Centre for Cybersecurity
@Cyberagentur - Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity
@opendatabund - Advising federal authorities on open data
@gdws_wsv_presse - Directorate General for Waterways & Navigation
@IPN_Kiel - Leibniz Institute for Science & Maths Education
@bfr - Federal Institute for Risk Management
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@MDC_Berlin - Max Delbrück Centre for Biomedical Research
@PEI_Germany - Paul Ehrlich Institute, Federal Institute of Vaccines & Biomedicines
@dzne - German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases
@HelmholtzMunich - German Research Centre for Environmental Health
@loeffler_news - Friedrich Loeffler Institute for Animal Health
@BWBStiftung - Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@GIGA_Institute - German Institute for Global & Area Studies
@DZA - German Centre for Old Age Affairs
@dsee - German Foundation for Commitment & Volunteering
@BKHS_Stiftung - BK-Helmut-Schmidt Foundation
@CivicCoding - AI for the Common Good
@wissenschaftsjahr - Science Year
@Bf3R_centre - German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals
@FNA - German Pension Insurance Research Network
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@germanyinuk - German Embassy in London
@AlmanyaBE - German Embassy in Ankara
@BayerischerLandtag - Bavarian State Parliament
@BayLfD - Bavarian Data Protection Commissioner
@BlnBDI - Berlin Data Protection Commissioner
@HBBuergerschaft - Bremen Parliament
@BuergerschaftHH - Hamburg Parliament
@HessischerLandtag - Hesse State Parliament
@ltrlp - Rhineland-Palatinate State Parliament
Official German Government Accounts (continued)
@sdb - Saxony Data Protection Officer
@thueringerlandtag - Thuringia State Parliament
@FediFollows @GIGA_Institute @DZA @dsee @BKHS_Stiftung @CivicCoding @dzne @wissenschaftsjahr @Bf3R_centre @FNA I'm so jealous that French institutions are not on fedi that I'm going to follow German institutions. Hallo Freunde!
@FediFollows The state of Hessen has its own instance where it’s hosting a number of different accounts:
@Scorbet @FediFollows I doubt anyone will struggle with the translation, but FYI, the English name for Hessen is Hesse :P
Thank you, I've added them now!
@FediFollows @sdb @thueringerlandtag If you are including public research institutions such as the Helmholtz Center Munich, I'd like to briefly advertise the Alfred Wegener Institute as well @awi :)
@FediFollows @sdb @thueringerlandtag looked through the list twice and didn't find @bmbf_bund (education and science)
Thanks! I'll have a look!
Just checked again, it's on the bottom of page 2: https://social.growyourown.services/@FediFollows/110742285294636181
...it's a pretty long list, took me a few goes to find it! (I had marked it down as added though so knew it was somewhere )